Gun ownership among LGBTQ individuals and left-leaning groups has surged in recent months as fears of targeted violence and political oppression escalated ahead of the 2024 election, according to a report from the Philadelphia Inquirer and also covered by the New York Post. And with the pending inauguration of Donald Trump’s second term, those numbers continue to climb among some groups.
Organizations such as the Liberal Gun Club, the Socialist Rifle Association and Pink Pistols are experiencing a significant uptick in interest. The Liberal Gun Club reported receiving thousands of firearms training requests since the election season began, a sharp increase compared to the entirety of 2023. Approximately a quarter of these inquiries have come from LGBTQ individuals.
“Three months before the election, that’s when the alarm bells started to ring,” said a 24-year-old trans woman identified only as “A” in the Inquirer report. She recently purchased a firearm for self-defense, citing fears of hate crimes or terrorist attacks.
“Minorities that are armed are more difficult to legally oppress,” she added.
Some are reportedly taking up arms out of unbased fears they will be put in “concentration camps” under the new Trump administration according to the Post article. As crazy as that idea may sound to the majority of Americans, it’s no more ludicrous than some of the far-right conspiracy theories floating around as well that has driven others to purchase guns. Crazy, it seems, is not on short supply these days,. Maybe it isn’t even all bad either if it spurs people to become more self-reliant and and take responsiblity for their protection from all manner of dangers in the world.
Fear and Self-Defense Drive Gun Purchases
The Philadelphia chapter of the Socialist Rifle Association, which positions itself as a left-wing counterpart to the NRA, reported a surge in paid memberships and gun safety class attendance. Similarly, the Delaware Valley chapter of Pink Pistols, a pro-gun LGBTQ group founded in 2000, has seen increased demand for training. The organization’s slogan, “Armed Gays Don’t Get Bashed,” reflects its mission to empower the LGBTQ community through self-defense.
Matthew Thompson, a 36-year-old gay man from Oakland, NJ, told the Inquirer he was inspired to buy his first gun after the 2016 Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, which claimed the lives of 49 people. The attack was carried out by a homegrown Islamic terrorist and remains the second worst mass shooting in U.S. history.
“The people I’ve been seeing on the left and the gay people who are out purchasing guns for the first time, it’s all about self-defense and fear,” Thompson said. “We’re not looking to arm up and storm the capital. We just don’t want to be put in concentration camps.”
Thompson has since been sharpening his gun skills at home, practicing quick draws and self-defense scenarios. He and others in the community see gun ownership as a vital measure of safety amid what they perceive as rising social and political threats.
A Broader Cultural Shift in Gun Ownership
Sociology professor David Yamane of Wake Forest University, author of Gun Curious, noted that minority groups, including LGBTQ individuals, have been at the forefront of a broader cultural shift in gun ownership since 2020. He attributes the trend to growing social unrest and uncertainty, which have prompted many Americans to seek firearms for security.
“This is a period of tremendous social unrest and social uncertainty,” Yamane said. “A large number of people in the United States, under those conditions, look to firearms to reestablish some sense of safety and security.”
Changing Gun Ownership Demographics
While LGBTQ gun ownership is rising, broader shifts in gun ownership demographics reveal contrasting trends. A recent Gallup poll indicates that gun ownership among Republican women has grown significantly, from 19% between 2007-2012 to 33% between 2019-2024. Meanwhile, gun ownership among Democratic men has declined, dropping from 36% to 29% over the same period.
The emerging trend of LGBTQ individuals and left-leaning groups embracing gun ownership underscores a shift in how various demographics view self-defense and personal safety. For many, owning a firearm is no longer just about exercising a constitutional right—it’s about ensuring survival in uncertain times—kind of the same reason a lot of people buy and own firearms. It’s a right that belongs to everyone.
Transformers fearing hate crimes in that region……you know what no too easy.
Moving ever closer to that time when Bellum Omnium Contra Omnes becomes a reality.
Hobbes believed that only a totalitarian king could prevent it from occurring and yet believed in the essential human right that ones ability to use their own power for the preservation of their own life was unquestionable. His book Leviathan is a very interesting read.
“All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.” Mao Zedong
No, no, no. They’re doing it wrong. It’s only about hunting. Always about hunting. Which needs to be banned anyway. We’ll be having none of this “civil unrest” or “self defense” talk you crazy right-wing extremists. Oh…
It’s like they pick and choose the propaganda that best aligns with their narcissistic values.
well of course, and good. probably gets old taking it on the chin.
Apparently they think Trump will give the Puppet’s red background speech and replace MAGA with LGBT. Where were they when the Puppet’s DOJ pursued MAGA? Oh yeah, they were laughing and cheering. The only reason they’re scared is because they think we’re like them. It’s projection.
Cool. Let me know when they buy guns and also stop voting for: “common sense gun laws,” the mass importation of violent criminals, and DAs who maliciously indict those who defend themselves from said violent criminals. “Lefty gun club” types would likely report you to the police for not turning yours in after a nationwide ban anyway, because at their core, they admire Karl Marx more than George Washington.
But ‘they’ believe the common sense gun laws do not apply to them.
Should we tell them? I vote no. You have to learn some lessons on your own. Some might accidentally get redpilled.
It seems unbelievable that people actually think mobs of anti-gay vigilantes are going to be roaming the streets during Trump part two, BUT two separate gay friends of mine have asked me to help them select self-defense guns since the election. They both think Trump is essentially Hitler, and have seemingly forgotten that he was already president in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020. Even though we completely disagree about politics (and reality), they’re my friends, so I’ve welcomed them to the world of personal responsibility for their own safety. I’ve given specific recommendations for home defense (Glock for one, Mossberg pump shotgun for the other), and strongly, strongly, encouraged training classes beyond what I can show them at a range session or two.
It is ironic that the LGBTETC crowd is more likely to be herded into cattle cars and taken to concentration camps by their antifa fellow travelers.
You forgot A
And the + for non-human relations.
I’m torn on this one. I am a 2a absolutist and it means exactly what it says, no infringement, no exceptions.
These folks with their twisted ideas of reality scare me.
it ain’t the MAGA folks that are going around starting shit.
this is why I carry everyday.
Just like that, another group of people learn the importance of 2A.
What no A. I need an a for Asexual because I’m always fcking myself. Just like yesterday , driving home from the gunshop after paying to much for a gun I just had to have fretting about money and wouldn’t you know it, the temp gauge skyrockets and old faithful leaves me stranded cold right there on the highway. I jumped out grabbed the tire tool, and well, anyway way, I had a lot of splaining to do when the Highway Patrol pulled up.
That reminds me of the lucky day my pickup blew a radiator hose right when I pulled in my driveway. Makes up for the one that burst in a Jack in the Box parking lot in July. In Phoenix.
I learned a lot by reading your blog, nice to see your blog
I learned a lot by reading your “tickle” post, loser. Take your future spamming shit to some other site.
Unless yer a happy illegal AlIeN the alphabet bunch have little to worry about save GOD’S judgement🙄
Gay used to mean glad or happy and boob was an idiot.
Now we have gay boobs which are made of silicone
Outstanding, more mentally unstable individuals acquiring access to firearms.
Hey just because my dick drags the ground and I’ve balls the size of melons doesn’t mean I can not identify as a woman la’ petite
Many people have grown up in households that never had a gun in it. Family members didn’t hunt or target shoot. Some live in fear of those unlike them, concerned that they hate them. Most of us 2A people couldn’t care less about what other people do in their own bedroom.
So, many people are afraid of guns and believe all of the tripe fostered on them by the anti-gunners. If they want to learn to shoot we should all try and get them to a range and be willing to help them along. Dems become Republicans once they are mugged, and anti 2As can learn to enjoy the fun of guns and shooting. We all need to give alittle.
lgbtqreatrd is a mental disease.
get back in the closet, fay got.
I am always amazed at the tempest of emotions and thoughts that must be swirling/raging around in the heads of Leftists, evidenced in their statements and actions.
I often wonder how they ever manage to settle on even mundane facets of life, such as which pair of socks to wear for the day.
All socks are racist, so I choose the least racist pair. Then I hate myself (and my dad) all day for enabling racists.
Socks? You must be a one per center.
If you look at view that Communism is not to govern but to crush class enemies. To Communists their beliefs are perfect, the party is perfect, and the system is perfect. If things fail, it is because of sabotage by class enemies who have to found, a confession extracted, and then eliminated.